Why choose our in home service?

We all need to go away occasionally, either through work or on that well deserved vacation. Unfortunately most of the times we are unable to take our pets with us. This often leads to a time of stress and worry for owners as to how they can ensure their animals are maintained in thier absence. After all when your on holiday you should be enjoying the moment, not worrying about your animals back home. So what are the normal alternatives to our in home service?

Boarding services - Stress and Disease

In home is a much safer alternative to using boarding facilities (Often in pet shops) where your animals are exposed to potential pathogens from other animals and stress from being transported and placed in an alien environment. By keeping your animals at home in their own enclosures they will not be put under any unnecessary stress and can carry on their natural behaviours unaware of you being away


Friends and Family

Often we turn to our friends and family to step in when we are away, either relocating your animals at a fiends home or asking them to check on them in your absence. Not all friends enjoy the pressure of looking after someone prize pets and whilst they often agree they will generally not understand the complex needs of your animals and cant react to any issues they encounter. Also lots of friends and family members may be afraid of your pets


Leaving them unattended

This is the option often chosen by people under the assumption that as long as water is provided they will be ok for a week or two. Whilst its true your animals may survice this period it is not best practice to leave animals unattended for any real length of time. Several things can go wrong from lack of food and water, escapees, Failed equipment, Animals living in thier own smelly faeces and the unpleasant smells this brings on your return


We offer a much better alternative to leaving things to chance. Its a small price to pay for total piece of mind.